Did you know that every time you open your eyes 70-80 % of your battery (energy) goes to the external environment? therefore your internal battery decreases and you’ll have approximatively 20 % left to operate the rest of the body. Whereas when you close your eyes, you divert that 70-80 % of your power to the internal system which is call MEDITATION.
What is Meditation?
Meditation is a mental and physical introspection. A way of looking within where the focus is on the breathing and the body sensation without reacting.
Why Meditate?
The main reason we meditate is to first amplify the frequency inside. Whether is to energized or to relaxed the body. To be present in the moment, to be aware, to help preserve our life force, our ka, our energy. We also meditate to enhance the immune system and to regulate the production of certain enzymes in the body such as cortisol, melatonin, melanin, serotonin, DMT and much more.
How to Meditate?
To start meditating keep in mind that you shouldn’t take the thoughts serious. Also, don’t even try to quiet the mind. Just Keep observing in stillness.
- First stop any distraction that will keep the brain wondering that way it will clear and lucid the mind.
- Second choose a quiet place, more obscure, you can light candles, burn incents, surrender yourself in a circle with precious crystals or simply by holding one in each palm of your hands. (crystals are optional)
- Third choose a comfortable position which suits you, I recommend the lotus position, sitting with crossed legs because it allows a good flow of energy to the body, correct the breathing and prevent that we fall asleep.
- Press your tongue up into your palate. The tongue position creates a strong upward energy helping the myofascial nerves in the face, neck and throat to loosen up and gradually all the other areas of your body. It has almost the same effect when practicing grounding bare foot on the ground.
- Fifth start by taking several slow and deep breath, preferably inhale through the nose, tongue press up to the palate slowly by pushing out the lower abdomen (expand abdomen) and breathe out very slowly by contracting the abdomen until you feel the muscle relax and the mind stabilizes on the breathing.
Get started, enroll in one of our Inner Peace Meditation course online for guidance and to discover more. Because until you innerstand that beautifull affair with the unknown life will keep teaching you exactly what you came here to learn for your soul evolution.